Well, Drop, and Compare Tabs

Once you have imaged an experiment, the main workspace is divided into Experiment, Canvas, Well, Drop, and Compare sub-tabs. The tabs that display will depend on which view you're in, because not all tabs are relevant to certain views. You will only see all five tabs if you are viewing your images in Image View or Score View.

Workspace tabs


You can change views through the appropriate ribbon menu:

Image Toolbar buttons


..or the View bar buttons.

View Bar buttons


Drop Tab

The Drop tab shows you a high-resolution image of the currently selected drop. You can access this tab by clicking the Drop tab or by double-clicking an image on the Canvas tab.

The default image displayed in Region view is the extended focus image (EFI), which is an image of a drop created by combining multiple focus levels together into one.

To display a particular focus level, right-click the image, point to View and then select the focus level. You can also use the F12 key to step forward through the focus levels. Press the F11 key to step back to a previous focus level.

The Ingredient and Drop Info box in the upper-right corner displays the details of the protein formulation used and the ingredients that went into the drop. You can hide this box by right-clicking the image, pointing to View Info, and clearing both the Imaging Settings and Ingredient Info options.

You can save the image on the Drop tab by right-clicking it and selecting Save Image. To save the image with any annotations that you have added using the ImagesTools contextual tab set, right-click it and select Save with Annotations.

Drop tab


Well Tab

The well tab shows you a high-resolution image of all drops at the selected well. In the example image below there was only one drop imaged at the well.

Well tab


Compare Tab

The Compare tab is used to compare different images that you have selected from the Navigator.

On the Navigator, you can select up to four images at a time to compare by holding down the CTRL key while clicking the image thumbnails. When multiple images are selected, they are displayed in the Compare tab on a 2x2 layout. The Compare tab can be used to view images of inspections, regions, imaging settings or drops of a well.

In the example below, three imaging settings are selected on the Navigator tab and displayed on the Compare tab.

Comparing images


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